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Westport Harbour is located on the West Coast of the South Island and provides pilotage, towage, berthage and full marine services.

Westport bar sounding

30 September 2024

Latest bar sounding as of 30 September 2024.

Mariners are reminded that the ideal time to cross the bar is a high-water Westport, crossing at other times could be hazardous.
Please note the depths are displayed at chart datum so please add current height of tide to determine corrected depth.
All ships call to be made on VHF channel 14 before entry and exit.


Buller District Council, as manager of the Port of Westport, is committed to continually improving the health and safety practices at the port.

Crossing the Westport bar


The most important requirement for crossing the bar and entering Westport Harbour is to obtain qualified advice first, from either the harbour master or the port information line.

The bar can extend up to half a nautical mile off the entrance. Mariners are advised to keep at least one mile off the entrance until making their approach to cross the bar.


Westport Harbour has a range of facilities to make your stay on land as enjoyable as possible and provide the services you, your crew and your boat need.

About Westport Harbour

The Westport Harbour Board was created at the end of 1884. Westport Harbour is currently managed by Buller District Council.